I am very excited for this months meetup topic for the Hampton Roads Internet Marketing and Technology Meetup.
Thursday July 23, 2009
6:30 pm
930 Battlefield Blvd N
Chesapeake, VA 23320
So you finally got the much needed Blackberry or the iPhone because it is the cool thing to have. Well, now that you have it besides answering your phone, address book and maybe even email you are not sure what else to do with it.
There are may tools available on these phones that can make your business more effective. And unless someone tells me about them – I am not going to know about them.
Troy Glancy with LARIS technologies and Andy from the Greenbriar AT&T store here in Hampton Roads has offered to show us a few of the tools that you may not know about that can help you with your business!
And each month thanks to our sponsors we have had some great give aways too!
The purpose of the Hampton Roads Internet Marketing and Technology Group is to:
- Provide a safe learning environment to share successes and failures in using the Internet,
- To share Internet technology ideas and approaches, while being more productive with these tools,
- Connect with like minded professionals for multiple business growth and marketing results,
Topics covered include: Social Networking, Internet Marketing, Search Engine Optimization, Website Management, Search Engine Marketing, Business Web Design, Business Advertising and Marketing, plus other Internet related Technologies.
If you want to grow your business, while getting more from Internet marketing and other related technology, then you’ll want to get involved with this group.