Here is why I hate social media!

Social Media can be a very useful tool.  It is in fact what I do for a living.  I teach people and businesses how to grow their exposure and online presence using social media.   We just can’t avoid it anymore, and now even as young as our 10 year olds have access to smart phones and unlimited data.

However, I KNOW it can also be a distraction and a life sucker.  I promise, if you stop spending every waking moment of your life caring about what John or Michelle from high school and what their agenda is, you will not only be happier, you will probably be more productive.

I am willing to bet that John or Michelle don’t give a care about you.  So why waste your time on people you don’t even talk to.  Stop wishing you were them.  Stop living in the past.  Get on with your life.

Read some books, educate yourself, exercise, build a business, volunteer, find a hobby, or even if you are interested in someone else – how about meet them in person and connect with them face to face…anything other than caring so much about everybody else’s life but your own.

Start taking care of you!

Tips that I use to disconnect:

  • NO smartphones at meal times
  • I manually sync my emails and notifications to my phone
  • I do not have Facebook messenger – the ones that I want to contact me have my direct phone number.  Everyone else can wait until I get online
  • Turn ringer off when you are around your loved ones so you aren’t distracted by notifications, texts or calls that probably aren’t as important as the people in front of you.
  • If you have to take a photo to capture a moment either put your phone on airplane mode or take the photo and wait to upload at another time.

What tips do you have for disconnecting?  Do you love or hate social media?


