

    10 years I got the Essure birth control procedure

    10 years ago (July 2008) I got the Essure birth control procedure. I knew I wouldn't be want to give birth to any more children.  I was 31 years old and my pregnancies were very difficult.  I had scheduled to have my tubes tied right after I gave birth, however since Ethan was born on [...]

    By |2019-01-21T20:26:20-05:00January 21st, 2019|Hampton Roads, News, Reviews, Social Media, Video|Comments Off on 10 years I got the Essure birth control procedure

      Kids haircut in Hampton Roads

      Kids haircuts can be fun in Hampton Roads!  Check out the new salon! I remember the days of getting the boys haircuts was stressful and not something to look forward to. Awww...poor Ethan will probably hate me when he gets older for this video! But now that they are older it is much easier!  And [...]

      By |2018-04-13T21:51:46-04:00April 13th, 2018|Family, Hampton Roads, News, Photos, Reviews|Comments Off on Kids haircut in Hampton Roads

        What makes you feel sexy?

        What makes you feel sexy? For as long as I can remember I have always been quite shy and very self conscious.  I knew I was different and always looked at my differences as negative.  I wanted to be like everyone else.  But as I get older I am learning to embrace my differences and [...]

        By |2017-09-24T17:21:05-04:00September 24th, 2017|Hampton Roads, News, Photos, Random, Reviews|Comments Off on What makes you feel sexy?

          5 Ways You Can Monitor Your Home With Verizon Wireless

          It is that time of year when everyone is looking forward to finding that perfect gift for all of your friends and family!  We love to make the ones we love happy...even if it means standing in long lines, fighting traffic, carefully wrapping all of the gifts and then having to send them off and [...]

          By |2016-12-02T13:25:20-05:00November 30th, 2016|Business Tools, Hampton Roads, News, Reviews, Technology|Comments Off on 5 Ways You Can Monitor Your Home With Verizon Wireless

            How we watch TV – 2 homes and only 1 FiOS account #VzwBuzz

            Did you know you can watch TV anywhere as long as you have data or WIFI?  We have 2 homes in 2 different states - one in Sneads Ferry, NC and one in Virginia Beach, VA. Verizon FiOS is only available for us in Virginia Beach so instead of paying for cable here in Sneads [...]

            By |2016-10-26T10:42:58-04:00September 30th, 2016|Business Tools, Hampton Roads, News, Reviews, Technology, Video|Comments Off on How we watch TV – 2 homes and only 1 FiOS account #VzwBuzz

              Moto Mods: phone to speaker to projector in a snap! #vzwbuzz

              What is so great about the new Droid MotoZ?  They have what is called Moto Mods to transform your phone into a projector, speaker and add additional battery life all with a snap! And it is the world's thinnest premium smartphone with a shatterproof display!  Did you know that 1/2 of smartphone owners suffer from cracked [...]

              By |2016-10-26T10:42:58-04:00August 31st, 2016|Business Tools, Hampton Roads, News, Reviews, Social Media, Technology, Video|Comments Off on Moto Mods: phone to speaker to projector in a snap! #vzwbuzz

                Summer is almost over! It’s back to school shopping time!

                Summer is almost over, and that means it's also back to school shopping time!  Stay at home moms and working moms are all excited as the 81 days of kids home from school is coming to an end... I have 2 boys, 11 years and 8 years old.  This year I have a new 3rd [...]

                By |2016-10-26T10:42:58-04:00August 15th, 2016|Business Tools, Family, Hampton Roads, News, Reviews, Video|Comments Off on Summer is almost over! It’s back to school shopping time!

                  BOAT DATE: A few of my favorite things!

                  Summer is almost over... and it has been one of the craziest yet best summers I can remember having!  I did a lot of driving back and forth between Virginia Beach and North Carolina shuttling kids with me.  But I am grateful for this opportunity to spend  time enjoying summer and working from home with [...]

                  By |2016-10-26T10:42:59-04:00August 8th, 2016|Hampton Roads, News, Photos, Reviews, Social Media|Comments Off on BOAT DATE: A few of my favorite things!

                    Congratulations to the STIHL Manufacturing Technology Summer Camp winners!

                    Did you know there is a growing manufacturing skills gap in this country?  According to a survey by The Manpower Group it shows for the past 6 years that SKILLED TRADES vacancies are the hardest jobs to fill in the U.S. I recently learned that STIHL Inc. hosts an annual Manufacturing Technology Summer Camp  for high school students at [...]

                    By |2016-10-26T10:42:59-04:00August 5th, 2016|Hampton Roads, News, Photos, Reviews, Technology|Comments Off on Congratulations to the STIHL Manufacturing Technology Summer Camp winners!

                      Speed – The Ups and Downs

                      The one requirement that I need besides my laptop to work from home efficiently is good no GREAT internet speed.  If I don't have that... I can't run my business.  We have just moved this month and now have 2 homes (one in Sneads Ferry, Nc and one in Virginia Beach, VA) because of Ralph being [...]

                      By |2016-10-26T10:42:59-04:00July 30th, 2016|Business Tools, News, Reviews, Technology|Comments Off on Speed – The Ups and Downs

                        TILE App – The app that never forgets!

                        The average American wastes 55 minutes a day (roughly 12 days a year) looking for things they own but can’t find. Newsweek   The TILE app can help give you back some of your lost time...because it never forgets!  What do you spend most of your day looking for? Disclosure:  As a member of a [...]

                        By |2016-10-26T10:42:59-04:00June 27th, 2016|Business Tools, News, Reviews, Social Media, Technology|Comments Off on TILE App – The app that never forgets!

                          Making the move – Tech tips to make the long distance military relationship work

                          As you know we are making a big life change.  Ralph and I have been together for almost 2 years and he now has orders to get stationed in Camp Lejeune, NC ( approximately 4 hours away from me and his kids) for the next 2 1/2 years.   He just purchased his home 2 [...]

                          By |2016-10-26T10:42:59-04:00May 30th, 2016|Business Tools, News, Random, Reviews|Comments Off on Making the move – Tech tips to make the long distance military relationship work

                            Cave Tools : Rust Proof Grill Brush

                            It's time to Bar-B-Que!!  We don't just love to grill out...we LOVE it!  We look forward to our meals and love planning amazing dinners on the grill.  If only I had taken a photo of our grill was a mess! But no worries, thanks to Cave Tools we have an amazing Rust Proof Grill [...]

                            By |2016-10-26T10:43:00-04:00March 24th, 2016|Hampton Roads, News, Reviews|Comments Off on Cave Tools : Rust Proof Grill Brush

                              Road Tripping to Florida with the FiOS Mobile App!

                              Spring break is here and we are headed on a 12+ hour road trip to Florida with a 7, 10 and 13yr old!  Please help us all!  Plane tickets for 5 during spring break is way too expensive!  The plan - Let them stay up as late as possible on Friday night.  May even bribe [...]

                              By |2016-10-26T10:43:00-04:00March 24th, 2016|Family, Hampton Roads, News, Reviews, Technology|Comments Off on Road Tripping to Florida with the FiOS Mobile App!