

Mayflower Marathon – Foodbank of Southeastern Virginia

Mayflower Marathon to benefit the Foodbank of Southeastern Virginia 106.9 The Fox and FM99 hosted the 15th Annual Mayflower Marathon Food Drive that was held from Friday November 18, 2011 5:30am until Sunday November 20, 2011 3pm at the Pembroke Mall in Virginia Beach. This was my first time hearing about this event since I [...]

By |2016-10-26T10:43:59-04:00November 20th, 2011|Events, Family, Hampton Roads, News, Non Profit, Video|Comments Off on Mayflower Marathon – Foodbank of Southeastern Virginia

EPIC MMA – Battle For The Belt Fight Card – Fight Videos!

EPIC MMA - Battle For The Belt Fight Card  ***Updated November 21, 2011 For the fight Videos just click on the fight below and it will take you to the video of the fight.  Hampton University Convocation Center 700 Emancipation DriveHampton, VA HERE IS THE FIGHT CARD: SUPER Fight: Reggie Barnett, Jr. vs Gatlin Clifton Samuel Eure vs Louis Johnson 145 [...]

By |2016-10-26T10:43:59-04:00November 17th, 2011|Events, Hampton Roads, MMA, News|4 Comments

Dominion Virginia Power Awards $25,000 Grant To Wounded Wear

A group of veterans injured in combat felt a lot better today, thanks to a boost from Dominion Virginia Power. Today, the Dominion Foundation gave a 25-thousand dollar grant to the Chesapeake-based organization called Wounded Wear. Plus… more than two dozen Dominion volunteers helped the small, rapidly growing non-profit organization build a new handicap accessible ramp and [...]

By |2016-10-26T10:43:59-04:00November 15th, 2011|Events, Hampton Roads, News, Non Profit, Video|Comments Off on Dominion Virginia Power Awards $25,000 Grant To Wounded Wear

Ford : Power Of Choice Vehicle and Technology Tour

[singlepic id=1352 w=320 h=240 float=center] Ford Motor Company Ford is committed to delivering vehicles with the best or among the best fuel economy. Ford has 12 vehicles with best-in-class fuel economy - more than any other full-line automaker – giving consumers a real choice when choosing a vehicle that suits their needs and saves money [...]

By |2016-10-26T10:44:00-04:00November 15th, 2011|Events, Hampton Roads, News, Photos, Reviews, Video|Comments Off on Ford : Power Of Choice Vehicle and Technology Tour