Business Tools

/Business Tools

Social Media Taking Over Hampton Roads

There is a buzz going around Hampton Roads... are you in?? Where : Cavalier Golf & Yacht Club When : September 18, 2009 Why : Come learn the right way to achieve success with your business from many of the experts that live in social media today at this how-to event. If you haven't heard [...]

By |2016-10-26T10:44:33-04:00July 6th, 2009|Business Tools, Events, Hampton Roads, Social Media|Comments Off on Social Media Taking Over Hampton Roads

FREE Google 411 Directory

Don't we all LOVE free? Since we are out on the road alot with appointments, REBar Camps, and traveling - don't you hate it when you don't have the phone number to that much needed business but you aren't at your computer? Have you tried Google 411?  Well it is FREE! AND EASY! Step 1:  [...]

By |2016-10-26T10:44:33-04:00June 8th, 2009|Business Tools, Technology|Comments Off on FREE Google 411 Directory

New Media Conventions – Coming To Virginia Beach! #NMC09

The buzz has started here in the Hampton Roads area if you haven't heard already.  Coming September 18, 2009 is New Media Conventions where we are gathering the decision makers and marketing people of the area businesses to learn about the different ways social media can increase and assist your business. We are having at [...]

By |2016-10-26T10:44:33-04:00June 4th, 2009|Business Tools, Events, Hampton Roads, News, Social Media, Technology|Comments Off on New Media Conventions – Coming To Virginia Beach! #NMC09

Do You Use Twitter As Part Of A Marketing Plan?

On last nights episode of Desperate Housewives they did a little portion of how Tom couldn't get a marketing job because he didn't know of twitter and how to use in a marketing plan.  Too funny! Is Twitter a part of your marketing plan?? Make sure you follow me on twitter! Naoma Doriguzzi For all [...]

By |2016-10-26T10:44:33-04:00May 11th, 2009|Business Tools, Social Media, Twitter|Comments Off on Do You Use Twitter As Part Of A Marketing Plan?

If You Blog They Will Come….

If you blog they come..... Kind of like the Field of Dreams movie - "If you build it they will come"  Same thing with blogging and what it can do for your business. I have been teaching alot of social networking and blogging classes to real estate offices quite regularly and I often get the [...]

By |2016-10-26T10:44:33-04:00May 8th, 2009|Business Tools, Hampton Roads, News|Comments Off on If You Blog They Will Come….

Mail Merge Step by Step – it doesn’t get any easier than this

So how many of you like the new Microsoft Office? Raise your hand! I am getting used to the new Microsoft Office 2007 however it takes time to find out where everything is.  I am not a fan of mailers but if you are going to do them I am all about convenience.  Now I [...]

By |2016-10-26T10:44:34-04:00March 27th, 2009|Business Tools, Technology|Comments Off on Mail Merge Step by Step – it doesn’t get any easier than this

Here is why you should join!

Here are a few testimonials on why you should join the Hampton Roads Internet Marketing and Technology Meetup. You can just hear all of the excitement in the air! It was a great time and the next one is tomorrow. This is a great opportunity for Hampton Roads businesses and sales professionals to get on [...]

By |2016-10-26T10:44:35-04:00March 10th, 2009|Business Tools, Events, Hampton Roads, Social Media, Technology, Testimonials|Comments Off on Here is why you should join!

To Do or Not To Do

I don't know what happened but I almost totally forgot to write my blog post for National Procrastination Week which is March 2-8 2009 this year. So during National Procrastination Week do you procrastinate everything or do you vow to not procrastinate? Well for me in honor of National Procrastination week I am going to [...]

By |2016-10-26T10:44:35-04:00March 8th, 2009|Business Tools|Comments Off on To Do or Not To Do

I was “Googled”

Twice this week I had customers actually tell me that they did "Google" me to find out more information.  One customer actually was looking me up online as I was taking his application so that he could find out who I was.  After about 15 minutes of going through it with him online and even [...]

By |2016-10-26T10:44:37-04:00February 25th, 2009|News, Technology|Comments Off on I was “Googled”

NO Service – No Problem!

Don't you hate it when you are needing to use your cell phone and then you get the dreaded "No Service" Well I did find out some great news - at least for blackberry users that I had no idea we could use and might save you a call to the "Customer Service" We recently [...]

By |2016-10-26T10:44:37-04:00February 18th, 2009|Business Tools, Technology|Comments Off on NO Service – No Problem!